Most Sexual Assault Survivors have said these words & know this feeling.

Most Sexual Assault Survivors have said these words & know this feeling.

This post contains affiliate links and is going to reference the experience of sexual assault.

It includes a reference to an article discussing surviving and attempting to hold a person accountable for sexual assault.

“I just kind of froze like a deer in headlights, just frozen. I knew it was happening. I could feel it,” she added. “I remember trying to fix my eyes on a spot on the wall and just trying to avoid seeing his face as he was assaulting me, just waiting for it to be over.”

In my experiences, both personally & professionally, this quote embodies the most common psychoemotional experience of assault.

So many people permit or perform sexual activity in order to survive sexual assault.

So many people permit or perform sexual activity in order to survive sexual assault. This is why we cannot blame victims for surviving assault because of the fact that sex happened. Once we understand that sex is sometimes the only way to survive assault, we can stop blaming people for doing what was necessary to survive the moments.

Why didn’t s/he/they fight back? Fighting back is a response you grow into over time. It is rarely the first response in each situation where assault happens.

It’s called “fight, flight or freeze” for a reason. Many freeze. Many flee psychologically (ie disassociate). Few of us fight the first time. If only the first time was the only time. Usually it is not and so we start learning to fight.

Once people start fighting, we then see victim blaming by focusing on the fighting back/self defense and not the assault necessitating self defense.

Believe victims.
Understand that sex can be a survival tactic.
Fighting isn’t always the first available response.
Support survivors.
Hold abusers accountable.

If you want to start to understand the reasons why it is best to address abuse with abusers – read Lundy Bancroft’s book. It’s a game changer!





Nobody’s Ready for Marriage

Nobody’s Ready for Marriage

Nobody’s Ready for Marriage

One of my favorite relationship books is “Passionate Marriage” by Dr David Schnarch because of this quote: “Nobody’s ready for marriage. Marriage is what makes you ready for marriage.” It’s in the introduction of the book.

I started reading it a little before I got divorced because I didn’t want to get divorced.

I started reading it a little before I got divorced because I didn’t want to get divorced.

As a therapist, we tend to think we have the skills to avoid marital calamities like divorce.

In my relationship, we had survived unemployment, underemployment & grad school, we could survive infidelity, right?

We could have, if we’d gotten help,  if we really wanted to change ourselves and change our relationship to meet both of our needs.

That discussion is a post for another day.

Passionate Marriage was a beginning of more awareness building for me. It was a text that did a lot to me and for me. (Books are why I affectionately call myself the Bookworm Therapist. I believe that I can’t be the only person to go through what I’m going through and someone somewhere else has probably gone through it and ideally writte a book, article, song or poem about it. At least I hope for it with crossed fingers and toes, because the alternative is unsettling to say the least!) 

Primarily, it was one of the important first steps I really needed in the continued development of my self and identity as a person. It made me become the wife in my relationship instead of the therapist I’d been operating as for the past 12 years in being connected to the kid’s dad (TKD).

It’s a book primarily about differentiation of self and within relationships. It’s become one of the books I reference in couples work & recommend when working in the family relational space generally.

I’ll share some of my favorite phrases, pages & takeaways in future posts.

Cyber Monday 2019 – Couples Bundle

Cyber Monday 2019 – Couples Bundle

Couples Session Bundle

Are upcoming holidays putting stress on your relationship? Are there undercurrents in your relationship that are creating disconnection? Why not commit yourself to some time to engage your experience in a safe, neutral environment?

Here’s what the couple’s bundle includes:

1. One (1) 90-minute Clinical Assessment
A 90-minute clinical assessment will give two partners a chance to hear and be heard.
– 15 minutes will be spent with the couple together
– 30 minutes is for each partner to be seen individually
– 15 minutes will be used to recommend treatment options to the couple.

2. Two (2) 75-minute couples sessions

*This offer is currently for Utah residents only