Journaling the Junk Away… 

Journaling the Junk Away… 

If you find yourself struggling with emotions that feel paralyzing and limiting (or getting close to it!) to your ability to function on a daily basis, you may benefit from a journaling method that consists of a good ol’ healthy brain dump. No theme. No prompt. No order or structure. Just dumping the words in your brain onto paper. 


Well, as I’ve learned more about how our bodies understand and hold on to energy, I’ve started to approach thoughts like tiny particles of energy and if they build up and build up in my head (or other places in my body) they start to cause pressure. I don’t know about you, but some of my thoughts contribute to some of my most annoying headaches.  So what do I do with other things that build up and cause clutter or pressure? I decide how long I can tolerate it and then when I can’t, I start moving the junk. 

That may mean moving the junk “out of sight, out of mind” or it may mean sorting through it and putting it into functional piles or it may mean throwing everything into garbage bags and hauling it to the street for garbage day. 

Whatever the final method, it all starts with a brain dump. 

One of the best brain dumps I was ever introduced to was by a fellow therapist who introduced me to the book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. The book had an option to come with a journal and she encouraged me to pursue that option. I opened the book and the journal and eventually got to work writing the “morning pages.” 

The morning pages are a brain dump that is an investment into your clarity of self and recovery. 

Here’s what Julia Cameron says about them after describing her own morning pages journals she’s created over the years. 

“The journal you hold in your hands is first and foremost intended as such a companion. Through it, you will be contacting yourself: your hopes, fears, dreams, aspirations, and the simply daily flow of life. Through it, you will find privacy, a sort of portable “room of your own” where your opinion is off the record, except to your own eyes. Although you may have kept a journal previously, you are asked to keep this one in a very specific way: through the daily use of morning pages. Note the words daily and morning. What, exactly, are morning pages and why should you use them? Put simply, morning pages are three pages of longhand morning writing. They are to be written strictly off the top of your head. (No “real” writing please!) Pages may sound whiny, grumpy, even petty. Occasionally, a brilliant idea may sparkle through, but more often it will be “Need to do the laundry, forgot to call my sister, wonder how Dad is.” When I am in a puckish mood, I call morning pages “Brain Drain.” they are used to siphon off whatever nebulous worries, jitters, and pre-occupations stand between me and my day… Once we get those muddy, maddening, confusing thoughts on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes. We are more honest with ourselves and others, more centered and more spiritually at ease. For this reason, I often say that morning pages are a form of meditation. You are writing down the “cloud” thoughts that drift across your mind. In writing them down, you clear them. 

I alluded to this process a bit in my earliest post about the therapy process being like a fizzy drink of soda. Morning pages help us clear the fizz. 

Why do I have to write? Can i just talk and record myself? 

If that’s a question you have, I wouldn’t say that talking is off limits or prohibited. What I will say is that writing involves a bit more of your body in the physical process of moving emotional energy from your thoughts to sheets of paper. The goal is the same: clear you head so that you can see your self and your life clearer. There is no wrong way to do it as long as you keep writing, 

The words are yours and yours alone. The activity is excellent for creating a connection with yourself and your identity. Once you are clearer about who you are, you’re better equipped to understand ideas for how you want to grow and eventually create sustainable change in your life as well. 

Give yourself the gift of connection through authenticity in your writing. 

Give the morning pages a try and tell me what you think in the comments! 

Dr. LaShawn
Identity, Growth & Change, LLC


SAVERS & the Miracle Morning

SAVERS & the Miracle Morning

I’m not one to jump on a bandwagon of latest fads, but let me tell you how I found the SAVERS acronym and why I think it’s helpful. 

But first, the backstory: In the last quarter of 2018, my good friend introduced me to bullet journaling and in the process of trying different layouts and surfing the learning curve of all things #bujo I ran across this goal setting layout called “Level 10 Life.” (Another blog for another day) While trying to get more background information on what the Level 10 life was, I ran into the same name (Hal Elrod) and three words: The Miracle Morning. 

So now I’m searching Hal and the miracle morning to see what this is all about. This led me to Barnes and Noble (because it was out of stock at my public library and I was #5 on the waiting list) on a Saturday night where I found the book and sat down to flip through it and see if I wanted to purchase it. 

an oversized brown patterned chair holds a blue book entitled "The Miracle Morning"

Where read The Miracle Morning

I finished the book in about 2 hours and took notes of what mattered most and made sense to me.

Enter the S.A.V.E.R.S. acronym.


It’s actually called the LIFE SAVERS for multiple reasons, but it’s shortened to “savers” and if you check pinterest for SAVERS and bullet journal layouts, you’ll see example upon example of ways that folks are creating their miracle mornings. I was intrigued and skeptical about its effectiveness because of how popular it was. However, I couldn’t stop thinking about it once I got home. Was I ready to try it?

I knew a few things for certain, however, I wasn’t waking up an hour earlier to do it. I’m a single parent of 3 kids under 12 and sleep is a precious commodity. I was open to considering restructuring my present wake-up-and-wrangle-kids-and-go routine to see if or how i could fit this “miracle” into it. 

Want to know what sold me on the technique? Two major points/takeaways from the book: 

First, the SAVERS are suggested to be done an hour earlier than when everyone else in your home gets up (again, huge NOPE for me). People get so excited about their success that they start waking up 2 hours earlier (2 hours of NOPE). This wasn’t going to be me BUT one sentence gave me enough hope that it could work and it was this – “If you can’t do 60 minutes, then just do 1.”

The way SAVERS is set up is that it’s 10 minutes per letter: 10 minutes of silences, 10 minutes of affirmations, 10 minutes of Visualization, 10 minutes of exercise, 10 minutes of Reading and 10 minutes of Scribing (Writing). The goal is to carve out an hour of time to invest in yourself and start your morning off positively and productively. As a busy as my family is, I knew I could try for 1 minute if I wasn’t able to do 60. I set a goal to do 4 out of 6 letters as consistently as possible. I regularly read and write, so I just focused on SAVE, especially the E, because exercise is not my super power.

That weekend I started and I logged about 45 days of consistent SAVE-ing in my bullet journal. What made it work? It was simple to do and there was always at least one thing to do so that I could check it off of my list.

The piece that sealed the deal for me was a paradigm shift on consistency. 

We’ve all heard the adage that “it takes 21 days to form a new habit.” Elrod discusses this in his book and says that it actually takes 21 days to form a new habit but 30 to cement it into your routine. I have to agree with him here because of how he broke down the 30 days. To be brief, he says that Days 1-10 are unbearable and it takes about everything in you just to get to day 10. Once you hit Days 11-20 it’s uncomfortable but no longer impossible. Day 21 is where most of us think we’re cured, so we stop and then wonder why we don’t have the new habit solidly in our lives? It’s because we have to go from day 21 to 30 to do so. He calls it the “unstoppable” part of your process. 

I held onto that 10-days-at-a-time mindset for the first 45 days that I was using the SAVERS acronym and, of course, like all good habits, I got excited and proud of myself so I stopped doing them all each day but it’s different this time. It’s easier to start again, even with just 1 minute. 10 seconds of silence, 10 seconds of affirmations, 10 seconds of visualization, 10 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of reading and 10 seconds of scribing. 

It’s truly amazing what you can do in one minute and the sense of accomplishment of “just doing something” that you promised yourself you’d do. So, that’s my very brief opinion on why the SAVERS have become my game changer and I share them with people I know. It’s an easy way to start doing something different that is beneficial to your self and your health.

As always, be gentle with yourself, trust the process, and keep trying. You’re worth it!